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[Google Scholar, CV]
I currently work on natural language processing and information retrieval on the Dataset Search team in Google Research.
My overarching research interests lie in building intelligent computer systems that can model human reasoning and behavior. In particular, I'm currently interested in reasoning about causality and uncertainty.
Prior to Google, I earned a BA in Computer Science from Wellesley College. I also spent some time studying computer science and cognition at MIT and Oxford.
During undergrad, I worked as an undergraduate research assistant at MIT with Zenna Tavares and Armando Solar-Lezama on causal probabilistic modeling and with Josh Tenenbaum on efficient inverse graphics for object recognition.
In summer 2021, I interned at Microsoft Research and worked with Adith Swaminathan and Harm Van Seijen on causal priors for reinforcement learning. In summer 2020, I interned on the Tensorflow Probability Team in Google Research and worked with Emily Fertig and Dave Moore on automatic structured variational inference. In summer 2019, I interned on the Structured Data Research Group in Google Research and worked with Vinh Q. Tran and Adam Lelkes to train BERT models to generate questions from passages. I spent the summer before that working on Brain Computer Interfaces at Neurable